Chaoshogo's Chopper

Chaoshogo's Chopper

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Love The Kurenai

Good evening readers I hope everyone is okay and welcome back to another update on Call for Adventure
today I will be covering the following in my update here's a quick summary for today's post.

  • Exalted with the Kurenai
  • Mountain O Mounts Update 68/100
  • Iceblade Arrow Sales
  • Farcon's Inscription
  • Iamhogo's Levelling Adventure
So lets begin


As this is my main character I have a urge to get a lot of achievements on him and it just gives me something to aim for one of the achievments I have been working on for a long time now and it seems it is going to take a hell of a lot longer still is the Mountain o Mounts one of my main goals for this is to get the 8 mounts from the Kurenai the Outland Nagrand faction it requires exalted so it took some hours of work because the only way to get past honoured was to kill hundreds of ogres and collect Obsidian Warbeads 10 to hand in gives 500 reputation and today I finally completed this achievement Oh My, Kurenai this was a happy day and now I have 8 shiny new mounts.

Another thing I have been doing recently is selling Iceblade Arrow this is because they are easy to make cheap mats and they sell for a decent profit to provide me some income, I have been using this income to level my Death Knight and his Blacksmithing that is currently level 200 plan to have it 450 soon and then I will be levelling JewlCrafting on this guy Chaoshogo.


With my Death Knight & Soulshaper I have reorganised by Guild banks Like I said in my previous update this was to make it easier for me to find and store the items and it was also based on the professions they were levelling.


Not much going on with Farcon Recently, I joined a nice guild everyone seems friendly so its going well.
I have 40G but now I have reduced that to 12 because I was buying Herbs to level my inscription the image for inscription follows.

Well thats all for today post, I hope to make another tomorrow and keep coming back for more updates on call for adventure :)

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